Page not found (404)

No Category matches the given query.
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by: shop.views.CategoryDetailView

Using the URLconf defined in core.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. sitemap.xml
  2. add-rating/ [name='create_rating']
  3. setcurrency/ [name='setcurrency']
  4. add-to-wish/ [name='add_to_wish']
  5. add-to-cart/
  6. rosetta/
  7. change_language/<str:language_code>/ [name='change_language_modal']
  8. robots.txt
  9. ckeditor/
  10. admin/
  11. setcurrency/ [name='setcurrency']
  12. [name='main_homepage']
  13. news-list/<cat_slug>/ [name='news_list']
  14. category/<slug>/ [name='category_list']
  15. item/<slug>/ [name='news_item']
  16. search-ajax/ [name='search_news']
  17. archive/ [name='archive']
  18. awards/ [name='award_catalog']
  19. awards/list/ [name='awards_list']
  20. awards/category/<str:slug>/ [name='award_category']
  21. awards/receiver/<str:slug>/ [name='receiver_details']
  22. partnership/ [name='handmade_home']
  23. partnership/check/ [name='partnership_validation']
  24. partnership/individual/ [name='partnership_add']
  25. partnership/legal-entity/ [name='legal_entity']
  26. sign-up/ [name='register']
  27. sign-in/ [name='login']
  28. logout/ [name='logout']
  29. change-password/ [name='change_password']
  30. me/ [name='profile']
  31. forgot-password/ [name='forgot']
  32. password-reset-confirm/<uid64>/<token>/ [name='password_reset_confirm']
  33. activation/<uid64>/<token>/ [name='activation']
  34. order-details/<pk>/ [name='user_order']
  35. shop/ [name='shop_home']
  36. shop/ send_tracking_code/ [name='send_tracking_code']
  37. shop/ set_cookie/ [name='set_cookie']
  38. shop/ catalog/ [name='catalog']
  39. shop/ catalog/<slug>/ [name='category']

The current path, shop/catalog/scarves/, matched the last one.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.